Sermon Recap

The sermon title was "“Where Are You Getting The Rocks For Your Altar? and the scripture was Genesis 12:1-9. Following in the footsteps of Abram, Moses, Joshua and other Old Testament greats, we considered the value in figuratively building an alter to God – in order to remember what He’s done, worship Him for doing it, and teach others of His many blessings. Where we get “the stones” to build our altar is also important. We don’t want to build a monument to our own accomplishments, but instead we want to remember what He has done for us. Our conversion, our growth, and our mission to tell others are excellent building blocks! Remember when God drew you into a relationship with Him and covered you with his mercy and grace. Dedicate time and energy to grow in your relationship, reading your Bible on your own and studying with others. Share your faith with those who need the Gospel for their eternal life depends on it!