Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

I hope your Monday has begun with a real sense of God's presence. We live in some very stressful and confusing times. There is dissension, strife, and angst sometimes all around us. Where do you turn for help - the news stations, internet, social media? I feel the wave of uncertainty and I wonder if you do too! Let me reassure you on this - God is not dead! God is not silent! God is not distant! God is just as much alive and active as He was when creation began. Today, look for Him in small ways. Look for Him in the big and mighty things - Just look for Him. I might be on a soapbox at the moment, but I want to really impress on you that Jesus is love in spite of all that is around us. In Hebrews 13:8 it says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." As we, a church family, move forward let's do it holding hands and serving Christ - TOGETHER. 

I hope you all have an amazing week I look forward to seeing you all in worship. If you miss worship, you can watch it on our livestream on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea) anytime. 

In His Grip,