Pastor's Weekly Email

Dear Friends,

I began last week's email with an expectation that VBS would be amazing and it didn't disappoint. We had 92 children and 50 teenagers and adults who attended and volunteered. The theme of the week was "Stellar" and it was an out of this world stellar week. Thank you to Marie and all of her team for making this week life-changing for all who came through our doors. Sunday morning was a great celebration of a memorable week of VBS with new families visiting and the children singing from VBS. Our worship service was full with God's presence...we honored all the men in our worship service with a compass key chain that said, "We walk by faith, not by sight", we also baptized Piper Greenwood, a tweenager, and announced the birth of Emerson Jude Wadsworth on June 15th - she is blessed to have the parents Rhett and Erica. Let's be praying for God's love and power to continue to move in our church and community.

I hope you all have an amazing week I look forward to seeing you all in worship. If you miss worship, you can watch it on our livestream on our YouTube Channel (The Church By The Sea) anytime. 

In His Grip,